Medilab Clinic is pleased to announce to all of our subscription companies engaged in shipping the designated medical examiner of seafarers by Shipowners Club, a mutual insurance association, to perform the Standard Club enhanced PEME (Pre Employment Medical Examination).
The PEME is a part of the risk analysis process and exists for the good of the seafarer as well as that of the ship owner. The aim the of medical examination is to ensure the seafarer being examined is medically fit to perform his or her routine and emergency duties aboard ship, and is not suffering from any medical condition likely to be aggravated by service at sea to render him or her unfit for service, or to endanger the health of other persons onboard.
Standard Club is committed to procedural transparency and to meeting best practice standards in all of its activities. This will result in the availability of a better, cross-referenced and more practically useful guide.
Medilab Clinic will be always committed to be the excellent occupational health center in the region.