Since 9January 2023, BIP Klinik has been officially managed by Klinik Medilab (PT. Oshindo Medika Pratama). The expansion of this business unit aims to complete Klinik Medilab facilities such as 24-hour doctor services, private care, BPJS Kesehatan and Trauma Center, beauty care, dental care and others. BIP Klinik is located in Batamindo Industrial Park Muka Kuning which is the largest industrial area in Batam city which provides professional medical consultation services by certified doctors and nurses for workers and citizens.

BIP Klinik provides the following services:

  • 24-Hour Emergency
  • 24-Hour Ambulance
  • General Practitioner Polyclinic
  • Dental and Aesthetic Dentistry Polyclinic
  • Beauty Polyclinic
  • Occupational Specialist (Occupational Health) Polyclinic
  • Minor Surgery and Observation Room
  • Pharmacy
  • Laboratory
  • Radiology
  • Home/Workplace Visit
  • Doctor and Nurse Services in the Workplace (In-House Clinic)
  • Pre-Employment and Annual Health Examination for Workers (Medical Check Up)
  • General Check Up
  • Occupational/Industrial Hygiene Consultation
  • Other consultation:
    • Infectious Disease
    • Occupational Disease
    • Work Environment
  • Health Seminar and Counseling
  • Worker and Traveler Vaccination
  • Hearing Function Test (Audiometry) and Respiratory Function Test (Spirometry)
  • Visual Acuity (Near and Distant Vision), Color Blindness
  • Biological Monitoring (Lead/Pb, Chromium, Benzene, Xylene, Toluene and others)
  • First Aid/CPR Training
  • COVID-19 Screening Test: Antibody Rapid Test, Antigen Rapid Test, Swab RT-PCR