Klinik Medilab celebrates its 18th birthday right on August 29, 2020 which was attended by Directors, Management, doctors and all employees. This birthday celebration is also a moment to inaugurate the expansion of the Klinik Medilab Service Building.
The 18th Anniversary Celebration became a moment of gratitude through the “Potong Tumpeng” event. Potong Tumpeng symbolizes Klinik Medilab’s gratitude for the existence of Klinik Medilab for 18 years of providing services and also symbolizes cohesiveness and teamwork which is the joint commitment of the entire team in achieving the vision and mission of the Klinik Medilab.
At the age of 18 this year, Klinik Medilab is committed to always give the best service for all customers and also praying together for our healthy in the midst of the Covid-19 pandemic that we are currently having in 2020.
Happy Birthday Klinik Medilab, Abundant Blessings and Wish You All The best